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Black & white soapstone

Cat with ball of twine. Raspberry alabaster mounted on slab of petrified wood.

Frog on leaves. Green alabaster with wood limb mounted on black pearl soapstone. This is a small carving it measures about 3 inches in total length.

Sold at regional art show for $50. 

A few of my carvings. The egg on the bottom right pic is made of sandstone w/white paint for the white, and the yolk is translucent orange alabaster. The bacon is from brown alabaster. The color of the bacon strip is natural. The stripe and coloration just worked out great for a strip of bacon. I mounted it on a nice piece of china.

                                           MORE STONE PIECES

Small horse carved from raspberry alabaster. Sold at regional art show..

Crayfish mounted in hollow piece of weathered wood. the crayfish is carved from red pipe stone.

This is a special order piece. The turtle is raspberry alabaster and the dragon fly is black pearl soapstone body with translucent orange alabaster wings. The piece measures about 6 inches long by 4 inches wide.

                                  Other pieces in acrylic and charcoal.

This painting was my first to be included in an exhibit. The exhibit was hosted by The Kentucky Folk Art Center and was  a tribute by Kentucky folk  artist to 9/11. It opened at the Kentucky State Fair and traveled for almost two years to various other states. The piece is titled: Freedom-Strength And Unity.

Dogwood & Butterfly. Charcoal. This drawing was included in KUDZU Literary magazine as well as PROMISE magazine.

This self portrait piece, titled "Welcome To Frogonery" is a charcoal on canvas. It was in the "Who Am I" exhibit at the Kentucky Folk Art Center. The exhibit featured about 40 artists.

This is Me. Just an ole hippy from Kentucky sitting on my front porch steps carving some stone. I have a small studio where I work, but sometimes it's nice to just sit in the sun and enjoy the day.

My first work in art began early in 2000. I began doing paintings with acrylic and drawing with charcoal. I had never thought of doing any kind of art, but found myself with time so I started. I mostly created paintings in the beginning. Most of them were given to family and friends. A few were sold after I was accepted at The Kentucky Folk Art Center as an artist.

I began carving stone a few years later because a dear friend of mine bought me some soapstone and suggested I try. My first carvings were small and rough, but I continued. I found that other galleries were interested in the stone pieces I created, so I progressed from there.

If you enjoy the stone art I create you can thank my friend Dave. It was him who encouraged me most. Sadly he passed away in 2016, but he is still here with me in each piece I create.

I have in these past years carved a total of about 400 pieces. A few of those have been sold at regional galleries and shows. But the most of the pieces have been given away to family, friends and just people I meet who like my work. And then there is  my wife's personal collection, which consists of about 75 pieces. She is usually the first to see each piece I carve, so if it is something she likes she lays claim to it!

For me carving is a labor of love, and I feel giving them away only adds to the pleasure of my creation.

                                    This is a T-Shirt I done it is all hand painted.

I like to dabble in all sorts of things. I'm always finding new an interesting things to try. I recently started to build guitar amplifiers from recycled vacuum tubes and parts  have found in old radios and tvs. I have been successful in building two so far.

Me at a regional art show.

A knife I made on my little forge. This was forged from an old bolt and fashioned with a leather handle.

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